All prices are excluding VAT (if you are paying from abroad you are axempt from paying VAT) and are charged on a monthly basis (unless otherwise stated). Transaction count is cumulative from beginning (not transactions each months, transactions each year etc.). The prices take effect 1st of January 2024.
Ef þú ert með þrjár kerfiseiningar í byrjendaleyfi þá færðu þriðju eininguna án endurgjalds.
3 for 2 starterpack
7.800krMonthly price- Accounting< 1.000 transactions,3.900kr
- Sale< 100 invoices,3.900kr
- Payroll< 60 payslips,0kr
System units
13.800krMonthly price- Accounting< 20.000 transactions,6.900kr
- Sale< 5.000 invoices,6.900kr
System units
20.700krMonthly price- Accounting< 20.000 transactions,6.900kr
- Sale< 5.000 invoices,6.900kr
- Payroll< 500 payslips,6.900kr
System units
34.400krMonthly price- Accounting< 20.000 transactions,6.900kr
- Sale< 5.000 invoices,6.900kr
- Time registration< 10.000 entries,6.900kr
- Payroll< 500 payslips,6.900kr
- Point of sale*6.800kr
System units
36.100krMonthly price- Accounting< 20.000 transactions,6.900kr
- Sale< 5.000 invoices,6.900kr
- Payroll< 500 payslips,6.900kr
- Point of sale*6.800kr
- Webstore connection*< 1.000 products,8.600kr
System units
*An installation fee is charged for the installation of a cash register and online store connection
Included in monthly fee for Regla
the following free of charge
Service all calls, emails & site visits
Courses we have live Zoom courses in finance, sales & payroll systems every 2 months
Hosting Regla is a modern cloud solution, one system for all
Users anyone can get access to a record to view and no need to share access
Turnover % we do not charge % of turnover
Price per unit
Backend | Starter licence | General Price | Quantity - addition |
Accounting | 3.900 kr. 1.000 transactions included | 6.900 kr. 20.000 transactions included | 2.200 kr. For each started 30.000 records, above 20.000, up to 10 plus charges. |
Sales & Inventory | 3.900 kr. 100 invioces included | 6.900 kr. 5.000 invioces included | 2.200 kr. For each started 10.000 invoices, above 5.000, up to 10 plus charges. |
Payroll | 3.900 kr. 60 payslips included | 6.900 kr. 500 payslips included | 2.200 kr. For each started 500 payslips, above 500, up to 10 plus charges. |
Project management | 3.900 kr. 500 transactions included | 6.900 kr. 10.000 transactions included | 2.200 kr. For each started 10.000 records, above 10.000. up to 10 plus charges. |
Subscriptions | 3.900 kr. 300 subscribers included | 6.900 kr. 5.000 subscribers included | 2.200 kr. For each started 5.000 subscribers, above 5.000, up to 10 plus charges. |
Approval system | 3.900 kr. 300 subscribers included | 6.900 kr. 5.000 subscribers included | |
Purchase and ordering | 3.900 kr. 50 orders included | 6.900 kr. 2.500 orders included | 2.200 kr. For each started 5.000 orders, above 2.500, up to 10 plus charges. |
Apartment building associations | 3.700 kr. 10 apartments included | 6.900 kr. 50 apartments included | 2.200 kr. For each started 10 apartments, above 50, up to 10 plus charges. |
Irregular usage | Minimum of 2 monthly subscriptions per year |
Front end | Price |
Sales (Point of Sale (POS)) | 6.800 kr. for one device Installation: 52.000 kr. |
Connecting webstore WooCommerce og Shopify | 8.600 kr. less than 1.000 products 12.960 kr. for 1.000 products and more Installation: 52.000 kr. |
Kitchen system for resturants (Kitchen Display Server (KDS)) | 8.300 kr. |
KDS, waiters/kitchen | 2.650 kr. pr. screen |
Additional printer | 1.200 kr. pr. printer |
Webservice | 3.500 kr. |
SalesCloud connection | 6.400 kr. |
B2B | 7.800 kr. for the first 6 companies, after that 1.300 kr. per company using B2B service during the past month |
B2B QR | 7.800 kr. for the first 6 companies, after that 1.300 kr. per company using B2B QR service during the past month |
QR Sala | 7.800 kr. for the first 6 QR codes / locations, after that 1.300 kr. per QR code / location |
Departments | 2.200 kr. |
Third Party | Monthly Price | Transaction fee | |
Sending og móttaka | 3.400 kr | 42 kr. for each invoice sent/received | |
Sales System Starter License | 1.900 kr | 42 kr. for each invoice sent/received | |
Access to register Iceland | 1.600 kr. (30 page views) | 18 kr. per lookup beyond 30 | |
Document publication in a bank | 60 kr. for every document |
Innifalið í mánaðargjaldi Reglu fylgja eftirfarandi án endurgjalds
- Þjónusta / öll símtöl, tölvupóstur & heimsóknir á staðinn
- Sala og birgðir uppfærast í rauntíma
- Námskeið / við erum með live Zoom námskeið í fjárhag, sölu & launakerfum á 2 mánaða fresti
- Notendur / allir geta fengið aðgang til að skrá og skoða og þurfa ekki að deila aðgangi
- Veltu % / við rukkum ekki % af veltu