Select project / task

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Select project / task

There are three ways to select a project and record the hours it needs. You can choose payers from the list and then a list of all projects belonging to that payer will be displayed.


Another way is to search for the project. Another way is to select the project independent from the payer.


And at last you can select project from Ten latest projects list (please note that if you have never used this function or recorded project before, the Ten latest projects option is not available).

On the top left is a search area. You could choose to search for payers by entering full name or part of name of the payer and then click the Search button.  


To display all payers, you can keep the field blank and click Search button. As before mentioned you can also search directly in similar ways for projects independent of payers.

After selecting payers, a list of projects will be displayed below the payer name. You could click the manIcon1 icon to go back to payer’s list.

When a project is selected from the project list, all tasks related to the selected project will be displayed.  If no tasks exist, an empty task list is displayed.  


You could select a task for more details by clicking the specific task.

If a task has been chosen but you would like to go back to the upper menu, the refreshIcon button above the list could be pressed to clear the task selection.  

A new task can also be created from here by simply entering the task name in the input field above the task list and click the green plus icon greenplus.


After an employee input hour information in the system, he will get access to a list of the 10 latest projects he has recorded.  

This list is automatically generated and will help you speed up the record process.


If the project is not found in the 10 latest projects list, you can still search a payer to select project.  The 10 latest projects list can be displayed by clicking the 10latestprojects icon.

A project for selected payer can be created by clicking addProject in the title bar of the list. Identical buttons are available to the left of each line in the list of payers and projects.

That button is a shortcut for creating a project.