Create a new pay run

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Create a new pay run

You need to select the Type of wages (i.e. monthly or weekly salary), Pay period selected (i.e. date from and date to.) and then click the New pay run button.

The system will then calculate salary for all employees in all departments and displays the running result as a single line in the list below.

The system will make sure that the period you selected for salary execution does not overlap with periods that have been executed.

You can, however, run the same period again if you forget any employee. While running the same period again you make the employees inactive who you have already calculated salary for.


It is not possible to execute more than one pay run at once. In the end of the line, you will see the columns that show the status of the settlement payments for the salary pay run, which means status of paid salaries, sent cash, paid tax and sent contributions to pension funds.